The current version of the resources list is available as an excel sheet here: CMC Resources Overview.xlsx. This includes research equipment, IT equipment, software, and tests/scales.
Any bookings/access to facilities or resources can be done by contacting Aatif Patel (Technical Tutor) via University ID’s will be required to gain all access to spaces and equipment. For further information and guidelines on accessing and using spaces and/or equipment, please see here: Guidelines for Access to CMC-MEC Resources.docx
All PC logins can now be accessed via your own university login. If you require a specific software, please let Aatif know prior to use/access. Please login to any laptop you borrow on-campus first, before it is used elsewhere (if required).
Desktop PC’s in lab spaces are now being phased out since the beginning of 2020 although access to these can still be given for a limited amount of time including the MAC in SCH0.33 (Adult lab). For access to any older PC’s, please contact Aatif.
The old PC’s can still be logged in to retrieve older files using the previous shared log in account details:
For any queries or if you do not have access to the Microsoft SharePoint site, Teams group or ID access to any of the centre and would like to do so, please contact Aatif.
Note: this website is at smb:// within MEC/internal/lab